In our laboratories nature and innovation are synergistically blended and transformed, creating a unique and effective product!
The choice of ingredients focuses on elements of botanical, biological and biodegradable origin(oils, plants, flowers), in total respect for biodiversity but, at the same time, with the use of extraction and production methods capable of giving maximum safety in terms of quality standards.
We focus on the quality and purity of the ingredients, rigorously tested, in order to guarantee for each product the maximum energy, strength, effectiveness with the aim of fully satisfying the customer.
Incha has come into being thanks to a team of people who have gained significant experience in the professional hair cosmetic field and who love nature and the intrinsic strength of its elements.
We like to call ourselves contemporary alchemists. We expertly combine plants, flowers and fruit with a single goal: to offer a new wellbeing.
Since the dawn of civilization, ancestral knowledge that has been handed down has helped and inspired man to find relief, answers and solutions in the gifts of nature.
We are not the only champions of the search for a natural beauty, but we want to do our part and be protagonists!
We combine passion and professional reliability to be able to change deeply rooted beliefs!
This ideally pushes us to seek in each of you the part of a whole with whom to share this aspiration because, we are sure, the true richness lies in the gifts of Mother Nature!
Premetto che il packaging di INCHA è attraente grazie al suo colore che richiama la forza dell’energia solare. Ho provato i vari prodotti e ritengo che facilitino notevolmente il lavoro dell’acconciatore. Lo shampoo deterge accuratamente la cute ed i capelli senza essere aggressivo. L’olio, nelle sue varie declinazioni, agisce sul cuoio capelluto e, ad esempio nel caso di cute grassa, riesce a far staccare bene la radice del capello. Ho provato la maschera e, sui capelli rovinati, ha un’azione rigenerante. Quello che per me è il prodotto per eccellenza è l’Essential Instant Conditioner . Con una piccola quantità di prodotto sui capelli, si ottiene un effetto districante, il capello diventa luminoso e facile al pettine, senza ungere né appiccicare. E’ un prodotto che esercita i suoi benefici su ogni tipo di capello, anche il più sottile
Vincenzo Lisotti, Hair Stylist - Novara
Each treatment offers amazing results that go beyond all expectations, guaranteeing the loyalty of customers who, in Incha, find a precious ally for healthy, shiny, soft and voluminous hair. An alternative product for everyone who chooses to join the ‘peaceful’ revolution of natural beauty.
Export Magazine
Incha Absolute Oil 7.0 è un prezioso elisir di oli selezionati che ha dimostrato qualità ristrutturanti, antiossidanti, idratanti e nutrienti. Goditi i prodotti Incha, ti sorprenderanno!